Office 2008 Home Student For Mac

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Office 2008 Home Student For Mac Rating: 5,0/5 1815 reviews
  1. Microsoft Office 2008 Mac Download
  2. Office Mac 2008 Home & Student Edition Download

Mac Office 2008 Download Office for Mac 2008(English): Installation Instruction: Download the installation file by clicking on the link below, save it to your computer. After download finishes, locate the file Office-Mac2008.dmg and double click on the file. The file will extract and launch the installer automatically. Follow with on screen instructions. You will need approximately 1.5 GB of free space on your installation drive. License Key: For your convenience, we embedded the license key with the installer, therefore you do not need any license key to install this software.

Ndre skrifttypeformatering og afstand i powerpoint til mac. (반품시 게시판문의불가-고객센터통화) -교환/반품등은 필히 현대택배(1588-2121)로 직접접수하여 주시고 받으신 상품 그대로 훼손없이 포장후 박스안에 왕복택배비 5.000원을 동봉 하여 보내주세요. -다른택배사 또는 반품접수가 아닌, 개인택배로 상품을 보내시면 그에 대한 추가 택배비발생은 고객님이 부담하시게 되오니 지정택배사인 현대택배 반품 접수하셔야 추가비용이 발생하지 않으니 이점 꼭 기억해주세요!! -수제화(주문제작등)/ 세일상품 경우, 주문후 취소/변경 불가하오니 이점 꼭!! -보내실 상품안에는 교환 등의 요청사항은 필히 메모 해주셔야 정확히 처리가능하며, 판매자에게 문의 또는 개별SMS등으로 요청하신경우 누락되는 경우도 있을수 있으니 번거로우시더라도 택배상자안에 요청사항 기재바랍니다.


License and Usage Agreement: By downloading the software from this site, you agree to follow and abide the licensing terms set forth between Kean University and Microsoft Corporation. This copy of software is licensed to Kean Faculty and Staff only. Installation and distribution of this software for non Kean related business is strictly prohibited. You can contact the Help Desk by phone or e-mail.

Microsoft Office 2008 Mac Download

Office 2008 Home Student For Mac

Office Mac 2008 Home & Student Edition Download

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